Do You Recognize The 7 Early Warning Signs of a Bad Cat Potty Training System?
Greetings, cat owner desperately seeking a reliable cat potty training system!
Have you grown tired of cleaning up your cat's litter?
Does the stench of your cat's litter box invade your nasal passages like a burglar does an empty house?
Images of your precious feline buddy using a toilet brings you tears because you would be so touched by the fact that the room with the litter box in it and the rest of your house would have no smell.
Well get ready to learn how to make your dream of a litter box free home a reality for you and your kitty.
Can you really train a cat to use the toilet? You can try. You can fail ...
Yes, that's a cat on a toilet. And yes, he does look pretty pissed about it. The whole Internet has just discovered the Litter Kwitter, a potty training system for cats that was—up until this point—known only to a rare breed of ambitious cat owners. Created by a woman who toilet-trained her own cat, the Litter Kwitter works like this: You put a color-coded litter-filled ring with a very small hole on your toilet bowl. As your cat learns to jump on the porcelain throne every time he needs to relieve himself, you switch to a ring with a larger hole. This goes on until your animal suddenly realizes he's standing on a toilet bowl, praying he doesn't fall in.
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